Children who turn 4 on or before April 30th are able to begin preschool at the beginning of that year. Children who turn 4 between the May 1st and October 31st will begin preschool at the beginning of term 3.
Children will begin school in the year following preschool. That is children who turn 5 on or before April 30th are able to begin school at the beginning of the following year.
Please phone the school on 8280 7027 and ask to make an appointment to organise a school tour. Alternatively, please email the school on dl.0322.info@schools.sa.edu.au
An enrolment package is available from the school office only after a school tour is done with leadership. Enrolment forms need to be accompanied by a birth certificate and proof of residence and a copy of immunisation schedule from the MYGov website ( for Preschool only)