About Us
One Tree Hill Primary School is a Preschool to Year Six Primary School. It is located in the serene and picturesque hills, on a fringing rural area 30km north of Adelaide. The school has a current population of 297 students ranging from Preschool to Year six.
One Tree Hill Primary School is located in the Northern Adelaide Region and is not a zoned school, with openings for enrolments for students living outside of One Tree Hill.
School Vision and Values
One Tree Hill Primary School works in partnerships with families to challenge students to become self-directed, self-motivated, life-long learners, so that they can successfully participate as future citizens in a changing society.
Our School Values were developed from input from students, staff, families and Governing Council.
- Community
- Resilience
- Kindness
- High Expectations
One Tree Hill Primary School is committed to working with the school community to provide high quality, relevant education and care for all students from Preschool to Year 6.